There are other forms of housing in which everyone has to take on certain tasks, buy shares in a cooperative or adhere to a certain school of thought. We're not like that, we love freedom and diversity and we're a diverse bunch of people from all sorts of countries, creeds and non-creeds and ages.
But it doesn't work without a certain commitment, and we all benefit when roommates contribute their skills of their own choosing. We have people who help with computer problems, others bake a cake from time to time or cook something delicious, others offer bike tours or fetch rescued groceries for everyone, others lend a hand when small things need to be repaired and much more. Everything without compulsion, everyone as he or she wants.
Incidentally, this also applies to the homeowner, who offers the house community a lot that landlords do not normally do:
- since 2002 any amount of cappuccino, espresso,... soft drinks, cola, free of charge, to encourage togetherness in the lounge (in 2020, at the request of many residents, there was an 8€ rent increase, in addition to the free ones in the lounge drinks these can now also be taken into the apartment).
- with
Simply Out Tours I have agreed that I will pay the house residents' participation fees for many of their cycling and hiking tours. You will find a special website just for us, where you can reserve right away
on our INTERNAL page... The password was communicated in our mailing list.
- I've been supporting the neighboring Kreuzeskirche for a long time, and in return we get free tickets for the GeKu residents. That
You can always see the program here...and as you reserve, you read on her
on our INTERNAL page...
The password was communicated in our mailing list.
We have a grocer who provides us with a large fruit basket in the lounge once a week. I bear the costs.
If you want to organize celebrations & music for the house community, please contact Monika or me. In many cases I will even cover the costs (perhaps hire musicians? have pizza delivered? maybe even alcohol? ;-) ). No, it doesn't always have to be bring-along parties.
In 2021 I invested over €80,000 in shutters for all apartments without increasing the rent.
There will surely be more. We don't want to be a normal house, Monika and I also live here and we are also involved.